Successful completion of the Level 7 Systems Thinking Apprenticeship or Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship will provide Recognised Prior Learning for the Master of Business Administration degree awarded by the University of Gloucester. The programme is facilitated though the London Examinations Board.

Essentially the project and associated research you will have completed for the Apprenticeship will serve as the basis for the MBA dissertation you will be required to complete for the University of Gloucester.

A fee of £3,500 is payable directly to the London Examination Board – stage payments are available for this. Cherith Simmons will facilitate your application.

All graduates will become students at the University of Gloucester with all the rights and privileges of being UoG students, and it is the University’s online platform and App that is used. LEB provides the faculty (approved by the University) to deliver the Research Methods unit and supervise the learners on their dissertation. LEB supervisors are very much more hands-on and students usually complete the top up in 6 months.

The London Examinations Board delivers online the unassessed research methods module followed by online supervision of the Master’s Stage dissertation which has three parts as follows:

  • 10% Assignment: Individual: Proposal 1,500 words
  • 80% Dissertation / Major Project: 15,000 words
  • 10% Assignment: Individual: Reflective Paper 1,500 words


University intakes are in January, April, July and September



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