Who is the programme for?

Existing and aspiring practice management and senior administrators

A highly practical course designed to enable practice managers to deal more effectively with new ways of working and managing service delivery in the context of NHS national policy.

The programme sets out to enable practice management to plan and implement the development of their practice with a particular focus on managing change and the effective use of staff resources.

How is the programme delivered?

Delivered face to face or via live Tutor led virtual workshops over a 5 day period, one day every 4-6 weeks.

Comprehensive ILM and Ofsted approved learning materials and references are provided, all are accessible 24/7 via our Learning Management System.

The programme is assessed by short written assignments and a fully costed work based Improvement Report.

How does the funding work?

These programmes are commissioned programmes, cost on a cohort basis with a maximum of 15 participants per cohort. The special NHS day rate is £1,025.00 per cohort day plus an individual ILM accreditation fee of £319.00.

What’s in the programme & What certification will participants receive?

Successful completion of the course results in an ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management.

The modules are as follows:

Day 1

Managing Change and Planning the Future

Day 2

Post-COVID Practice Leadership and Team Building

Day 3

Developing & Implementing a Business and Service Improvement Plan

Day 4

Workforce Planning, Development and Performance Management

Day 5

Communication and Interpersonal Skills
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